Ok onto the low part. So really it's not that low. I actually kind of expected it. So a little after Thanksgiving I discovered the source of my heartburn. I found that complex carbs (rice, pasta, bread) gave me severe heartburn along with processed sugar foods. So during my second trimester I cut back on all my complex carbs and sugar and stuck to veggies, oats, yams and my fav flax seed bread from Trader Joe's. I also stuck to fruits that were higher in fiber and lower in sugar like berries and apples. Heartburn solved!!! Whoo hoo!!! Well I wasn't surprised when last week my Dr. informed me that I had failed my Glucose Test. Even he was shocked because my initial numbers during my first test during my 1st trimester showed no signs that I was even at risk for Gestational Diabetes. So I now have the GD. But really, I'm ok with it. I really think catching my intolerance early and managing my diet as clean as I have for the last few months as well as keeping up my weekly workouts has really helped keep me at a constant weight as well as keeping the growth of Noah within the average range. Now I'm just waiting for my appointment with an endocrinologist this week so we can get a solid game plan in place as well as get me hooked up with the dreaded device where I have to prick my finger after every major meal to make sure my levels are remaining constant. At least I only have 9 weeks left. It's almost like I'm dieting for a show again ;) (all you fitness girls will sympathize with that one). Wow, did i just say 9 weeks??!!?? Starting tomorrow I'm 31 weeks!! I guess we better get our butts in gear and get into Operation Noah's Nursery really fast! I think there's a Lowes visit in my future this week...
Oh and of course my 29 and 30 Week pics

Could you be any cuter? I just ordered Noah a little somethin' somethin' yesterday! I can't wait!
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