I am so done with PC's!! Ugh!!! After my laptop of only 2 1/2 years started crapping out on me, I realized that I should have bought a Mac. Instead of making the same mistake twice, last week I did. I love love love love love my MacBook Pro! OMG why on earth I waited this long, I have no clue. It was a hard decision though between the regular MacBook and the Pro. I bounced back and forth at the store playing with both trying to decide what I "really" needed compared to what I "wanted". My "want" always wins out it seems. It defintely was the bigger screen that sold me. I just couldn't go down to a 13 inch when I have been working on a 17 inch. Once you're spoiled there's no going back. I wasn't the only one though that broke down. Stevo ended up getting a MacBook too. Although he did go with the "need" over the "want". The benefits completely outweigh the cost with the Apple Care plan, the free, yes I said "FREE" classes you can schedule at any Apple store and the sheer experience of the computer itself. Plus we have some very good friends who are "hooking" us up with all the software and programs we will need to be fully functioning Apple geeks. Ok so maybe I am just the geek in the family. So we are now one big Apple family with our iPhones and our MacBooks. We are defintely plugged in!!!
Yay!!! Apple makes great products, no doubt. I'm so glad you and Stevo are enjoying your MacBooks!
thanks. can you believe i updated my blog?? LOL
Welcome to the family! :-)
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