Why you ask???
Cause I got these!!!!
Cause I got these!!!!

Oh and that's not all...
I got my Palettes too!!!!!!



I'm sure I'll come off my high soon enough but right now I'm sitting in my new shoes and admiring my new makeup. I keep telling myself i won't need to buy eye shadow for a long time. But, come on right? Look who we're talking about ;)
Love the sneaks! They are awesome! My goodness, that looks like a lifetime supply of eyeshadow. Those are nice shades!
ooh - love the palettes! What does your mom think of the lip one?
Carmie I love my sneaks!!!! I want to design antoher pair!
The palettes are AWESOME!!!! I am really happy with them. And using them with the UD Primer has been great!!!
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