Monday, February 28, 2011
Belly time
Here's some updated belly pics. I never feel like I've grown a ton until I take a look at the pics every week. I'm telling ya, this kid is running out of room. I can't imagine my stomach stretching even more than it has! I'm rounding out week 33 so hopefully I'll update that picture soon. Of course we obviously see my blogging pattern is not very consistent. Got to get better!
Where I'm at now.
Well my last update was week 30...Um again BLOG SLACKER!!!! Well we definitely have been busy. My hubby had a nice two weeks off in February so we figured why not bang out the nursery sooner than later!!! We made a game plan and said we wouldn't take more than a week to get the big stuff done. Well To my surprise we did just that! We started on Monday and hung new chair rail border and painted all the baseboards and trim. Tuesday...Break ;) Wednesday we painted the bottom half of the walls. I distinctly remember my hubby saying "I am not painting the top today" while we were in the process. Thursday we finished the top portion, all the edging and the closet. Phew!! Paint dunzo!! Friday I think we took a break again. Oh wait scratch that, I put together the cubbies for the closet. Nothing like more storage to make a girl happy!! Saturday we put together the dresser and hung the picture shelf. Sunday, because my sister ROCKS!! we picked up our new glider for the nursery and assembled that as well. I will say the glider assembly was the HARDEST of all we did that week. So I'm now feeling pretty good about where we are at. We still need to hang the new ceiling fan, change out the outlets and then get some more decorations on the walls. I am starting to see my vision come to life and that makes me so excited!! So here's a bit of our progress. I still have window treatments, a picture project, misc floor stuff and some other things that I need to get going on, but thankful the tough stuff is done.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Week 30...Phew!
So last Tuesday I officially hit the 30 week mark! I am in shock at how fast time has gone by. I really thought it was going to take me forever to get to that point. Week 30 had some highs and lows though. Let's start with the highs. Last Thursday we had a scheduled 3D/4D ultrasound. I am in such awe at how technology takes us into this place where we no longer have to wait till birth to get a glimpse of our little bundles of joy! It was such an amazing experience to see him moving and breathing and sucking his thumb! He did however play the stubborn card, which I knew he would, and consistently try and keep his hands in front of his face. Even with his stubbornness we were still able to get some great shots. I just wish we could figure out who he really looks like. I guess with thatquestion we are definitely going to have to wait till April to get our answer. Here are a few of my favorites of him. I must say, I think we've got one cute kid cooking in my belly right now.

Ok onto the low part. So really it's not that low. I actually kind of expected it. So a little after Thanksgiving I discovered the source of my heartburn. I found that complex carbs (rice, pasta, bread) gave me severe heartburn along with processed sugar foods. So during my second trimester I cut back on all my complex carbs and sugar and stuck to veggies, oats, yams and my fav flax seed bread from Trader Joe's. I also stuck to fruits that were higher in fiber and lower in sugar like berries and apples. Heartburn solved!!! Whoo hoo!!! Well I wasn't surprised when last week my Dr. informed me that I had failed my Glucose Test. Even he was shocked because my initial numbers during my first test during my 1st trimester showed no signs that I was even at risk for Gestational Diabetes. So I now have the GD. But really, I'm ok with it. I really think catching my intolerance early and managing my diet as clean as I have for the last few months as well as keeping up my weekly workouts has really helped keep me at a constant weight as well as keeping the growth of Noah within the average range. Now I'm just waiting for my appointment with an endocrinologist this week so we can get a solid game plan in place as well as get me hooked up with the dreaded device where I have to prick my finger after every major meal to make sure my levels are remaining constant. At least I only have 9 weeks left. It's almost like I'm dieting for a show again ;) (all you fitness girls will sympathize with that one). Wow, did i just say 9 weeks??!!?? Starting tomorrow I'm 31 weeks!! I guess we better get our butts in gear and get into Operation Noah's Nursery really fast! I think there's a Lowes visit in my future this week...
Oh and of course my 29 and 30 Week pics

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