So what's been going on since December 8th where I left off? Well, we made it through the holidays. They seemed to come faster this year than any other year before. I'm just glad that this year the decision has been made that we will no longer travel for Christmas. We're starting our own traditions of staying home and having Noah be in his bed and in front of his tree for Christmas. Of course, our house is completely open to anyone that wants to join us.
December 27th Stevo and I celebrated our 13th Wedding Anniversary! To celebrate, Stevo surprised me with going crib shopping and actually purchasing our crib and putting it together. I thought it was the perfect way to spend our anniversary preparing for our new adventure together. The crib we picked (or should I say I picked, because he just kept saying "whatever you want") is just perfect. It matches the vision I had in my head with the bedding we chose and the theme we are going for. I can't wait to bring it all together.
Here's our starting we just need paint, decor, and remainder of furniture.
So now We are into January. A couple weeks ago I made a quick overnight trip up to the Bay area to hit up Ikea for a Dresser for the baby's room. I love Ikea and especially the prices. We didn't have issues dropping some coin on the crib, but we did have issues with the matching dresser being almost as expensive if not more than the crib. Ah yeah NO don't think so. So I was able to find a great dresser at Ikea that will double as a changing table as well. It's a functional piece that he will be able to grow with. I think it's going to match perfectly with his crib!

On the actual baby front, I think I've got a kick boxer for a child. We have one very active little guy. He can't quite figure out what side he wants to settle on and has a fun time tap dancing on my bladder!!! It's the craziest but the absolute best feeling in the world to feel him move around.
Hmmm and I guess I'll top it off with some pics. The last time I posted a pic I was 21 weeks So here are the rest...BTW I'm in my 3rd Trimester officially this week (haven't taken the pic yet though)!!! I can't believe how fast this has gone! Still so much to do!!!
Adorable Auto. Blog more...since I'm a slacker too. And YOU...are interesting...just wait till he gets about interesting! A Steve-o Aut-o blend! PERFECT!
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