Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Name Game

Oye!! Why is it that the hubby and I could throw out girl names and actually agree to them much more than boy names? I can't believe how hard coming up with boy names is! It can't end with an "N" cause our last name ends with an "N" and it would be a bit too wordy for me. Or, I knew a so and so and I really didn't like him so we can't use that name. Another big issue we are running into is that when it comes to the baby department we are pretty behind most if not all of our friends so our pool of names has significantly decreased. I have one name that I absolutely LOVE!! Hubby, well he says he likes it but is definitely looking at other options. When we found out we were having a boy this name just stuck with me. I could see him in my head responding to this name while running through the house. I felt it was strong, simple, not too common, but not totally out there. Well today hubby gave me the thumbs up that this is the name for our son. Wow, crazy to say our son!! So in short, we do have a name for our little guy, but for some reason I'm just not ready to reveal it to the world. Knowing me, I'll be shouting it out really soon to everyone, but for now I'm just going to savor in the moment that we have come to a decision making him even more real!


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