So I'm not unfamiliar to blogging but I thought that this is probably the best time to start a new blog format. Autobabble has now been combined with RTOA since life has changed quit quickly. So as I was saying So much has happened that's been what I consider "life changing" that it really required a new blog. Autobabble will just need to take a backseat. SOOOO Where to start?? Hmmmm....
Well, In June I made a very very difficult decision to leave my job and my company. Let me say several tears were shed. I loved my company but had lost all passion for my job. I was unhappy, stressed, worried, angry, Oh I could go on and on. It was just time. So what did that mean for me and for us. Well that meant moving back to Fresno from the wonderful SF Bay Area. That alone was tough as well. With moving back to Fresno though, this meant that I would not have to work if I didn't want to. Can you believe I even struggled with this? I'm 34 yrs old and have a ton of work left in me. Was I ready to walk away from the working world? The guilt of making my hubby, who graciously said he would support my decision to stay home, would overwhelm me at times. I got over the guilt though. Plus, our priorities had changed. Like I said, I'm 34 and I'm not getting any younger. I couldn't pass off my three wonderful Boxers as my only kids anymore. We needed to actively start working on a family in a stress free, relaxed environment. For those who know my hubby, He's an commercial pilot who has the luxury of only working at most 11 days a month, so we definitely had time to work on this new priority.
So July 30th, I said goodbye to The GAP, goodbye to some amazing coworkers who I consider great friends, goodbye to my family, and goodbye to the beautiful bay and headed back to The "NO" the next week to start my early retirement and start thinking about babies. I had all these grand ideas on fixing up the house. I was going to finally have the time to paint and decorate and make it all my own. I was going to have so much time to go to the gym as I was also training to compete again for Fitness America in November. This early retirement was looking up!!!
After being here one week, our world changed once again. I quickly found out I was pregnant!!!! Um WHAT??!!!! I thought the plan was to start working on that when we got to Fresno? I guess I was just a lot more efficient than I thought. Actually, I think the combination of losing 15 lbs from getting ready to compete and saying the words "I QUIT" to my job is what freed up my body to finally accept the pregnancy process. I just kept saying "OMG I'm PREGNANT!!!!"
So now it begins. April 19th, 2011 is when our little Baby R is due. I am currently 12 weeks (tomorrow actually) and have been very thankful that Ms. 1st Trimester has been somewhat kind to me. I've got one more week and then 2nd Trimester here I come!!! We will definitely be finding out what we are having because I am just too impatient to wait. I need to decorate!!! Oh and I'm saying it now, I think we are totally having a girl. Everyone seems to be in agreement with this as well, but really I'll be happy with whatever God gives us. All we care about is a happy and healthy baby. We truly feel blessed with what 2011 has in store for us and excited for the new life changes we are about to experience. I am so ready for mommy stories, and playdates, and the abundance of baby clothes (if I have a girl) my wonderful favorite cousin Heather will let use, because really, Leila and Gianna have the best wardrobe ever!!!