On Sunday March 13th my wonderful friends Nicole, Heidi & Allison along with my ever so talented and amazingly creative sister Lisa threw me a wonderful baby shower out here in Fresno. It was such a great afternoon with more family and friends, some friends I haven't seen for a few years and some that I haven't seen for over 10 years! I'll be honest I did cry a bit when Diana, our college momma from Texas who lives in Bakersfield now, walked through the door. Hard to believe that 13 years can pass by so fast.
The girls did such a fabulous job. They knew about my obsession with Black and White Damask and built a whole shower around it. My sister was the creative driving force behind all the decorations for the day and completely out did herself. I am always in amazement of her talents.
The spread was great and also diabetic friendly (thanks Allison) so that I could easily partake. You also couldn't over look the dessert table filled with chocolate truffles as well as some of the most amazing cupcakes from The Sugar Shack. Yes I did splurge and have a cupcake. There is no way I can pass up a Red Velvet cupcake especially ones as good as these were!!
Ok ok I know pictures picture pictures!
Well here you go.
Well here you go.
Great Spread especially for the party pooper Gestational Diabetes mommy to be ;)
(Not shown was the great cheese & crackers platter and the Chinese Chicken Salad)
(Not shown was the great cheese & crackers platter and the Chinese Chicken Salad)

All Decorations and tags made by Lisa
Hershey's Kisses with "Kisses from Noah" on the bottom of each one
White & Blue Damask with Blue accent candle tins with the "Love Spell" Scent
courtesy of my sisters company Quartz Mountain Candle
Like I said, she's amazing!!!
White & Blue Damask with Blue accent candle tins with the "Love Spell" Scent
courtesy of my sisters company Quartz Mountain Candle
Like I said, she's amazing!!!

Chocolate Truffles and Cupcakes from "The Sugar Shack" in Fresno

All in all it was another special day for me as we celebrated the upcoming birth of our little boy Noah. I am so thankful and blessed for all the people in my life and thank all of you that came out to help celebrate. It truly meant so much to me.