So I'll admit, I have a small addiction to iPhone apps. I have 10 pages on my phone to prove it. Yes, I am sure there are people out there that have way more than me, but among my friends I am definitely the most addicted. Anyway, yesterday I stumbled across this App and I am in L.O.V.E.!!!!! I am a sucker when it comes to photography apps and this one is no exception. It's called Hipstamtic. It's a "digital camera" that makes your pics look and feel oldskool while being able to swap out lenses. The app is $1.99. Yes, one should never really pay for apps, but I do feel that sometimes there are exceptions to that rule. The app comes with 3 lenses and gives you the options of buying additional cool lenses. It also comes with 2 types of film and you then have the option of buying 5 additional film types. Lastly, it comes with 2 different types of flash and the option to buy 4 more additional types of flashes. All the additional buys are .99 cents. It let's you buy right within the app using your iTunes log in information. I did buy the black and white film because shooting with Black and White in my eyes is the best!! I haven't used it to it's full extent just yet and I see that myself buying more types of film as I use this more often. I just love putting fun spins on pictures I take and I can't always carry around my DSLR camera. Here are a few pics I took yesterday and today while I was playing around with the app.
Stevo and T checking out T's new hobby

Brody, T and Evie's Spastastic but absolutely adorable dog. (name added to photo to protect vehicle owner)

Brody again...this dog is HUGE!!! Just look at those paws.

Fog coming in over the mountain. It was COLD!!!

Peyton pouting as always...

Peyton giving in and deciding to take a nap

Tarek driving us on our adventure as we tried to get to Oakland. We never made it thanks to a blockage on the Bay Bridge

A well needed Margarita after our adventure