Monday, December 1, 2008

Trip to the East Coast part 2

I was then off to South Carolina to meet up with my mom and do some family time. I was able to spend some time with my Aunt Vivian and my cousins who a few I hadn't seen in almost 20 years. Where does the time go??

We set out on Thursday for Ashville, NC to visit the Biltmore house. The Biltmore House is the largest privately owned mansion/castle in the country and is absolutely stunning!!!! The grounds were just amazing! We were not able to get pictures of the inside but i was able to get a lot of the outside. The architecture was unbelievable.

Not only was the architecture beautiful but the grounds were gorgeous. There were acres and acres of land that had the most vibrant fall colors. This was the whole reason my mom wanted to bring me back east. She wanted me to experience a real fall.

The house also had a garden with a floral conservatory on another part of the grounds just down a bit from the house.

Halloween night we spent some time over at my cousin Sandra's house with the rest of to the family and then took the little kids trick or treating around her neighborhood. We laughed as we listened to the matriarchs of the family complain about walking too much and how cold it was. Really it was all about the kids. It was fun to watch my cousin Bill's little girl Molly Reagan flap her arms and say "FLY FLY" as she went to each door. She was tinkerbell. I am kicking myself for not getting a picture of her! She was absolutely adorable.

On Saturday we headed for downtown greenville. It was a very very cute area. It had some great old architecture mixed with new and modern architecture, and of course more trees with fall colored leaves.

In all, I had a great time traveling back east. It was great to see friends and to see family that I hadn't seen in a very long time. It was so nice to head home though after two weeks. Traveling is fab but there is no place like home!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trip to the East Coast

So last month I spent some time on the East Coast. The first part of my trip I head to NYC for 3 days for work. I actually had a great time. It was a fast trip but very productive. We were able to get down to Time Square for dinner. Once again, New York did not disappoint when it came to eats. The food was fab and the company was fun. Here are few pics I was able to catch with my phone

I then headed home for one day and then was off to Atlanta. The first part of my trip was with Carmen, Luis and the B's. It was so great to spend time with them!! We always have a lot of laughs. We ate great food and did our one touristy spot at the CNN building. I wasn't impressed except for the world's largest escalator which you can see me riding below. We got yelled at for taking this pic. No camera's were allowed, you know in case we stole industry secrets from CNN. (thanks Carmie for the fun pic)

Before I head off to the second part of my Atlanta trip we had some pumpking carving to do. Erica came over to join and I finally got to meet Leigh Anna (another boxer mommy). We all ended up doing boxer pumpkins. I tried to be original with my white pumpkin. It turned out ok with the exception of me cutting off his mouth. It just ended up looking like he was barking. Here is a pick of mine and then the three of ours together in the dark (Erica's is in the middle and Carmen's is on the right)

The second part of my trip I was able to spend some time with Timeyo and Kimberly and their new little girl Marli, who is absolutely adorable!!! It was great to see them and to get some baby holding time in. I just wish my stay was a little bit longer.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's official!!!

I am so done with PC's!! Ugh!!! After my laptop of only 2 1/2 years started crapping out on me, I realized that I should have bought a Mac. Instead of making the same mistake twice, last week I did. I love love love love love my MacBook Pro! OMG why on earth I waited this long, I have no clue. It was a hard decision though between the regular MacBook and the Pro. I bounced back and forth at the store playing with both trying to decide what I "really" needed compared to what I "wanted". My "want" always wins out it seems. It defintely was the bigger screen that sold me. I just couldn't go down to a 13 inch when I have been working on a 17 inch. Once you're spoiled there's no going back. I wasn't the only one though that broke down. Stevo ended up getting a MacBook too. Although he did go with the "need" over the "want". The benefits completely outweigh the cost with the Apple Care plan, the free, yes I said "FREE" classes you can schedule at any Apple store and the sheer experience of the computer itself. Plus we have some very good friends who are "hooking" us up with all the software and programs we will need to be fully functioning Apple geeks. Ok so maybe I am just the geek in the family. So we are now one big Apple family with our iPhones and our MacBooks. We are defintely plugged in!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Well I finally broke...

After months and months and months saying "I don't need one", "it's a glorified ipod", "well if I get one I'll wait till like the 4th or 5th generation", I can officially say that I am now an owner of a 16gb iPhone. All I have to say is WHAT THE HECK WAS I THINKING?? This thing is amazing!!!! How I ever thought I didn't "Need" one is way beyond me. I do still love my Black Jack II, but I am happy that I finally gave in. Whoo hoo for Apple. Now if I could just figure out how to get me one of these I'd be set!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

FIT GIRLS VOLUME 1...and I'm in it!!!

For the few of you not yet aware, John Stutz has been working on a book for quite a while now. It's entitled "Fit Girls, Volume 1" and is expected to be available towards the end of March. It encompases half of his best physique photography dating back to 2003. The other half will be available at the end of the year in his second book of the set, "Fit Girls, Volume 2".

I feel compelled to warn you ahead of time: Do not expect to see photos in the book similar to those on my web site -- the photos in the book are substantially better!! And most of them have never been seen before!!

Each volume measures 11"x14" and 1.75" thick!! It weighs in at around 8.5 pounds with 320 pages and 240 photographs. A total of 120 different fitness models (many of whom we all know and love) are represented in each volume. Here's a complete list of all the models featured in Volume 1:

Alexis Ellis, Ali McKnight, Allison Bookless, Allison Ethier, Amanda Jackson, Amanda Jo Earhart, Andi Campbell, Andrea Dumon, Andrea Spinks, Angela Kirkland, Angela Myers, Angela Stueber, Autumn Robertson, Bea Fox, Breean Robinson, Catherine Boshuizen, Chandra Coffey, Cheryl Mitchell, Christina Rhodes, Cindy Phillips, Claire Rohrbacker-O'Connell, Cynthia Bridges-Satalowich, Debbie Bramwell, Debbie Leung, Dena Westerfield, Desha Rodriguez, Diana Chaloux, Diana Tinnelle, Elena Seiple, Elissa Schlichter, Emery Miller, Fawnia Dietrich, Gina Aliotti, Heather Clay, Heather Frey, Heather Grace, Heather Green, Irina Kiselev, Jaclyn Troup, Jamie Eason, Jamie Reed, Jamie Shires, Jane Awad, Jennifer Chamberlin, Jennifer De Joya, Jennifer Lynn Cowan, Jennifer Reece, Jenny Lynn, Jenyne Wilson, Jill Coleman, Jodi Leigh Miller, Jody May, Julie Childs, Julie Marsland, Julie Wallis Rengert, Kali Knapp, Katie Madden, Kaycie Davis, Keri Doudna, Kim Birtch, Kim Tilden, Kristy Hawkins, Latisha Wilder, Laura Cavender, Laura Mak, Lauren Quinn, Leah Wynne, Leanna Rizkalla, Liane Seiwald, Lindsey Cope, Lisa Aukland, Lisa Brinton, Lisa Morton, Margaret Diubaldo, Mari Kudla, Marika Johansson, Mascha Tieken, Melissa Pearo, Melissa Tucker, Meriza DeGuzman, Michelle Troll, Mindi O'Brien, Misti Cerra, Molly Goodwin, Monica Brant, Myrriah Wenona Palomares, Natalie Barnett, Natalie Benson, Natalie Brabner, Natalie Lantz, Nicole Ball, Nicole Marie Fatigati, Nicole Rollolazo, Nina Luchka, Nita Marquez, Pam Anstey, Pamela York, Rhonda Riley, Rosa-Maria Romero, Rosetta Mortati, Samantha Waltz, Sara Clow, Sara Craven, Shana Martin, Shari Yates, Sharon Garrett, Sheila Sullivan, Sherie Salvadori, Shiva Bagheri, Star Blaylock, Tammy Patnode, Tanya Peale, Tara Scotti, Tina Horne, Tina Jo Orban, Tracey Greenwood, Traci Redding, Valerie Waugaman, Waleska Valle, Zuzana Majorova

As you can see I AM IN THE BOOK!!! WHOO HOO!!!!! My competing for three years finally paid off!!! It would be great if you guys would help out as well as the book by clicking on the link and signing up notice when the book hits. I am sooo excited to be a part of something this fantastic. I can't wait to see the book myself. Click below to check it out.


Enter your e-mail address below to be notified

as soon as Fit Girls, Volume 1 becomes available.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Recent shots...

My Cousin's little girl turned one this past weekend. My where does the time go?? Anyway, she asked me to bring my super duper camera to capture some shots of Leila. I snapped almost a hundred pictures (most of them eating here cake). Here are a few of my favorites from that day. She is defintely one of the cutest babies in the world.