time...who would of thunk that it would actually happen that way. Moving back to Fresno, pregnant and all, must have rubbed off on her :) So in true Heidi fashion we threw her a Shabby Chic baby shower. Well thanks to Pinterest I started gathering up ideas to make this a super fab shower. BTW if you have not checked out or signed up for pinterest you so must. But be careful, it's quite addicting!! So Let me just say, I don't craft much, but when I do I kinda go a bit crazy. I take on a bunch of things cause I want to do it all. Pinterest totally played into that for me and I had some lovely glue gun burns to prove it. I dedicated myself to the dessert portion of the shower as well as the favors and other misc items. I was so happy with how everything turned out. The visions I had in my head truly were displayed that day. If only I had captured Heidi's face when she saw everything. It was beyond her expectations and that alone made me happy to see her happy. Vikki did a fabulous job with the tables and centerpieces. For the food spread, one of Heidi's counterparts provided Mediterranean food from her Fiance's restaurant. OMG can you say BOMB food!! Mediterranean Chicken Salad, 2 different hummus', feta and olive appetizer, Mediterranean String cheese (best cheese ever) and pita bread. For the favors, once again my sister took the reigns and made the cutest little candle buckets that had the most lovely pear smell!! She truly is beyond talented! And then the dessert table...well I think I will just let the pictures speak for themselves. This was my first time doing anything like this and I was amazed at how well it turned out. Thanks to Pinterest I was able to make ideas reality. If you haven't check out the site, you must!!! The concept of the site is straight genius. Ok enough babbling from me, here are some shots from the Shower. Sorry for the quality since I am still not an expert with lighting with my camera.
Baby shower invites done by the ever talented Donna

Favor tags and cupcake toppers by Donna at Swish Designs (see link above)

Chocolate covered Jumbo Marshmallows
Entry table with things for guests to do once they got there
Rosette Balls made by me from tutorial found here Rosette Balls

Tables and centerpieces by Vikki :)
Food spread
Momma to be and the the Hostesses