
I then headed home for one day and then was off to Atlanta. The first part of my trip was with Carmen, Luis and the B's. It was so great to spend time with them!! We always have a lot of laughs. We ate great food and did our one touristy spot at the CNN building. I wasn't impressed except for the world's largest escalator which you can see me riding below. We got yelled at for taking this pic. No camera's were allowed, you know in case we stole industry secrets from CNN. (thanks Carmie for the fun pic)

Before I head off to the second part of my Atlanta trip we had some pumpking carving to do. Erica came over to join and I finally got to meet Leigh Anna (another boxer mommy). We all ended up doing boxer pumpkins. I tried to be original with my white pumpkin. It turned out ok with the exception of me cutting off his mouth. It just ended up looking like he was barking. Here is a pick of mine and then the three of ours together in the dark (Erica's is in the middle and Carmen's is on the right)

The second part of my trip I was able to spend some time with Timeyo and Kimberly and their new little girl Marli, who is absolutely adorable!!! It was great to see them and to get some baby holding time in. I just wish my stay was a little bit longer.

Before I head off to the second part of my Atlanta trip we had some pumpking carving to do. Erica came over to join and I finally got to meet Leigh Anna (another boxer mommy). We all ended up doing boxer pumpkins. I tried to be original with my white pumpkin. It turned out ok with the exception of me cutting off his mouth. It just ended up looking like he was barking. Here is a pick of mine and then the three of ours together in the dark (Erica's is in the middle and Carmen's is on the right)

The second part of my trip I was able to spend some time with Timeyo and Kimberly and their new little girl Marli, who is absolutely adorable!!! It was great to see them and to get some baby holding time in. I just wish my stay was a little bit longer.